The GSC was founded in early 2008 and started its operation in July 2008. Embedded in the GSC are also several IT units and teams and together we are occupying the 3rd, 4th and 5th floors of Prima 7 and 4th floor of Prima 8 of Prima Avenue in Cyberjaya. Our staff strength comprises of about 300 people.

Enabled by WHO’s Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system, the Global Management System (GSM), the GSC provides services in the areas of global human resources, global finance, global payroll and global procurement & logistics to WHO staff and programmes worldwide.

At present we are servicing the Headquarters (WHO Geneva), African Regional Office (AFRO), Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office (EMRO), European Regional Office (EURO), Western Pacific Regional Office (WPRO), South East Asia Regional Office (SEARO), as well as some partner organizations such as UNAIDS, UNICC, APOC and UNITAID.


Finance Assistant
Service Desk Analyst
Procurement Assistant
HR Assistant
Operation and Proximity Support Analyst