bank negara


Bank Negara Malaysia looks for talent who are passionate about contributing to the nation, committed to high standards of work delivery, highly competent in their relevant areas of expertise, and able to rise to the challenge of managing adversity in a high performing organisation. The Bank continuously emphasises our talent management efforts and is committed to the continuous career growth in order to ensure that it has the right talent with the necessary skills and competencies. We invite suitably qualified candidates especially those with the required technical and leadership competencies to be a Central Banker to have a rewarding career with us.

Bank Negara Malaysia was established on 26 January 1959 under the Central Bank of Malaysia Act 1958 (CBA 1958). The CBA 1958 has been repealed by the Central Bank ofMalaysia Act 2009 which became effective on 25 November 2009. It is a statutory body wholly owned by the Government of Malaysia with the paid-up capital progressively increased, currently at RM100 million. The Bank reports to the Minister of Finance, Malaysia and keeps the Minister informed of matters pertaining to monetary and financial sector policies.

Primarily provides good technical and research support on growth-related issues to enhance formulation of monetary and credit policies in promoting monetary stability and ensuring the availability of adequate credit to finance economic growth.

Manage domestic liquidity and exchange rates to ensure that monetary policy targets are achieved as well as managing external reserves to safeguard its value and optimise its returns. It also has the responsibility of providing advice and assistance to the Government in the area of debt and fund management and contributing to domestic financial market development.

Develop, enhance and implement an effective surveillance framework to ensure safety and soundness of financial institutions and to enforce sound practices in them.


Tender Secretariat & Business Partner. Executive
Vendor Management. Executive
Strategic Sourcing & Operations. Executive
Legal Procurement. Executive
2, Division I. Associate Supervisor
Shariah (Secretariat). Associate Analyst / Analyst
Supervision. Associate Supervisor
IT Supervision. Associate Risk Analyst
IT Supervision. Associate Risk Specialist
Supervision. Associate Supervisor
Monetary Stability / Financial Stability. Associate Legal Counsel / Legal Counsel
Development. Associate Analyst / Analyst
Real & External Sector Statistics. ASSOCIATE EXECUTIVE
Governance & Infrastructure. Executive
External Sector Analysis. Economist / Associate Economist
Structural Economic Analysis. Economist / Associate Economist
International Economic Analysis. Economist Associate Economist
Structural Economic Analysis. Economist /Associate Economist
MPI Devoplement. Associate Dealer/ Dealer
Fixed Income. Associate Dealer/ Dealer
Foreign Exchange and Asset Allocation. Associate Dealer/ Dealer
Data ana Analytics. Analyst/ Associate Analyst
DNA. Administrative Officer
Credit and Financial Statistics. Administrative Officer
Credit & Financial Statistics. Associate Analyst
Regional Cooperation Strategy (RCS) Section – Central Banking Services (CBS) and Bilateral Strategy Unit. Analyst / Associate Analyst
Global Integration Strategy (International Positioning). Analyst / Associate Analyst
Global Monetary System and Reform International Monetary System Stability Section. Associate Analyst / Analyst
Monetary Surveillance and Research. Economist / Associate Economist
Monetary Surveillance and Research. Economist / Associate Economist
Data, Analytics and Research (DARE) – Engineering. Senior Software Engineer
Data, Analytics and Research (DARE) – Research, Monetary Stability. Senior Economist
Data, Analytics and Research (DARE) – Research, Monetary Stability. Economist/ Associate Economist
Data, Analytics and Research (DARE) – Research, Financial Stability. Economist/ Associate Economist
Data, Analytics and Research (DARE) – Engineering. Data Engineer/ Associate Data Engineer
FSR – Financial Surveillance and Research. Economist / Associate Economist
Structural Economics & Analysis (Commodities). Senior Economist
Structural Economics & Analysis (Services). Economist / Associate Economist
Retail Payments. Associate Analyst
Money Services Businesses. Associate Analyst
Market Conduct Supervision – Banking. Associate Supervisor/Supervisor
Market Conduct Supervision – General Insurance & Intermediaries. Associate Supervisor/Supervisor
Climate Risk Manager. Manager
Climate Risk Unit. Associate Analyst/Analyst
Non-Bank Financial Institution (NBFI). Associate Analyst/Analyst
Payment and Fund Unit, Financial Operation Section. Administrative Officer
Medical and Other Benefits, RPM. Assc. Analyst or Analyst
Jabatan Modal Insan. Administrative Assistant
People Experience and Learning. Analyst
Performance and Rewards. Clerical Officer, Payroll
Business Technology Section. Administrative Officer
Shared Financial and Resource Management Section. Administrative Officer
Supervision II: Outsourced Oversight and Risk Management. Analyst
Regional Cash Management Cash Processing Operations. Analyst
Specialised Currency Support. Analyst
Financial Development Surveillance. First Level Executive
Regional Economic Surveillance. Senior Economist
RENTAS Operations. Lead
RENTAS Operations. Associate Analyst
Service Strategy & Planning. IT Finance Manager
Infrastructure Support & Operations. Database Architect
Infrastructure Support & Operations. Server Architect
Infrastructure Support & Operations. Infra Software Technology Manager
Infrastructure Support & Operations. Application Support Analyst – RENTAS
Solution Support & Operations. Application Analyst – DevOps – SWIFT
Infrastructure Support & Operations. Senior Technical Officer
Solution Support & Operations. M365 Administrator
Financial Stability & Economics. Data Architect
Financial Stability & Economics. Data Architect
Digital Technology & Corporate Management. Project Analyst